Oct 6, 2022

Feature Performance Parity


Feature parity objective is to ensure that all the existing features and functionalities within current products are successfully replicated on new platform without any regression.

This is more important when organization wanted to retire existing application, platform or product but wants to ensure that the new system continue to meet the same expectation at a minimum.

Performance parity, in line with feature parity is to ensure there is no performance degradation as features are moved to new systems.

Types of Feature Parity:

  • ·       parity with legacy systems
  • ·       parity across multiple platforms
  • ·       competitive feature parity

Feature parity trap:

  • ·       Missed opportunities to enhance functionality
  • ·       Missed opportunity to get rid of Tech debt
  • ·       Missed opportunity to build superior product
  • ·       Product Manager confuse feature parity with MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
  • ·       Ignored market trends and best practices
  • ·       Missed innovations

Avoiding Feature Parity trap:

  • ·       Establish proper vision
  • ·       Establish customer segmentation and Personas
  • ·       Use Data to make decisions
  • ·       Innovate, reinvent, and reimagine
  • ·       Ensure scalable solution