Sep 13, 2022

10 Drawback of using Microservices

Microservices can be very useful in building distributed system that are faster, better when compared to monolithic systems. Microservices can reduce all dependencies and complexities to quickly scale the system. However, microservices are not a free lunch. 

What are the sorts of problems can Microservices bring? Here are 10 drawbacks of using Microservices to carefully considered while adopting to Microservices architecture.

1. Microservices while offering fine grain system, it ends of offering many options which can  make it difficult to choose from

2. Microservices can take up a long time to realize the benefits, mostly realized as you scale

3. Microservices could take a lot of time to get to production, despite the automated deployment

4. Testing microservices world is more complicated

5.  Monitoring and problem detection in monolithic system is easier compared to the decomposed, hundreds of microservices

6. Contrary to general misconception, resiliency  and fault tolerance with microservices is not achieved straightforward and could actually end up being more flaky 

7. Infrastructure management is more complex with more boxes needed to manage auto-scaling and self-healing

8. Distributed system are difficult and trade-offs could be complex in different situations

9. Large scale systems with microservices need carefully managed deployments, scheduling and rollbacks

10. Distributed tracing to trace transactions across numerous services is complex