Apr 8, 2015

Oracle EBS: SQL to find currently running jobs in application with start date and time details

The following query find the currently running jobs/concurrent programs in the application along with the date and time details. It's a very useful query which provide the  Request ID, Program name and provided the start date and time in the required format.

Output will be in one column under CURRENTLY_RUNNING_PROGRAMS with results like - 
Request_ID 7746467 (Program Name) has been running since 2015-04-08 14:20:31

select 'Request_ID '||request_id||' ('||user_concurrent_program_name||') has been running since '
||to_char(actual_start_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') Currently_Running_Programs
from apps.fnd_conc_req_summary_v 
where phase_code='R' 
and status_code='R' 
order by actual_start_date

Query Detail Find currently running jobs/concurrent programs in the application with date and time details since when jobs started
Application Oracle EBS
Version Until R12.2.4
Module/ Area System Administrator