Apr 8, 2015

Oracle EBS: Query to find application responsibilities assigned to a user

Following SQL query help to find all the application responsibilities assigned to a specific user or users with start date and end dates, provided a user name.

Query can be further tweaked to suit to your needs and fetch additional information life user names in detail, responsibility ID other responsibility details.

Select b.user_name, 
from apps.fnd_user_resp_groups_direct a, 
apps.fnd_user b, 
apps.fnd_responsibility_tl c
where a.user_id = b.user_id
and a.responsibility_id = c.responsibility_id
and b.user_name='&username';

Query Detail Responsibilities assigned to an application user with start and end dates provided user name in the system
Application Oracle EBS
Version Until R12.2.4
Module/ Area System Administrator