Apr 9, 2015

Oracle EBS: How To Clear The Caches Using Functional Administrator

Oracle Caching framework allows to clear the caches in mid-tiers. Caching Framework comes with an administration user interface, which is available under the Functional Administrator responsibility.

When the changes in configurations, profile options are not reflected in the UI or OA framework pages are seen dark blue, clearing caches comes handy.

Clearing caches could lead to loss of transaction data for the actively engaged users during the cache clearance. Use this feature only during off business hours or when users are notified.

Objective Clear middle tier caches using 'Functional Administrator' responsibility
Application Oracle EBS

Things to Note
1. It will clear all the Caches across all the mid-tiers
2. This will impact performance
3. Best to perform during business off-hours
Step-1 Select 'Functional Administrator' responsibility
Step-2 Click 'Home' button and navigate to Administrator Workbench
Step-3 Select Tab 'Core Services' > Sub-tab > Caching Framework
Step-4 From the left pan menu options, select 'Global Configuration'
Step-5 In 'Cache Policy' section, click on 'Clear All Cache' button
Step-6 A Warning message will be displayed, Click 'Yes'
Step-7 A Confirmation message will be displayed that 'All the caches across all mid-tiers have been successfully,cleared'

Click on below image to view the Navigation.