Apr 24, 2023

The Fox and the Hedgehog concept

The Greek poet Archilochus wrote, "the fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.

With that, the world was divided into Foxes and Hedgehogs. We either belong to Foxes who see details in everything or to the Hedgehogs who have a great singular vision. 

In his 1953 essay, philosopher Isaiah Berlin used this parable and applied it in, "The Hedgehog and the Fox." He argued that the foxes pursue many goals and interests at the same time. As a result, their thinking is scattered and unfocused, and ultimately, they achieve very little. Hedgehogs, however, simplify the world and focus on a single, overarching vision, which they achieve successfully.

There are good examples how some of the great men were Foxes or Hedgehogs. 

Sep 29, 2022

Cause and Effect Fishbone Diagram for Root Cause Analysis

 Every event is result of causal chain, in that something has happened because on something else has occurred. Its often important to understand why something has happened in order to mitigate the negative effects and prevent it from happening again.

Root cause analysis (RCA) is the process of discovering the root cause of the problem in order to identify the appropriate solution.

Cause and effect diagram, most commonly know as fishbone diagram is the simplistic and effective way of identifying the root cause of the defects. The diagram is also referred as Ishikawa diagram, Herringbone diagram or Fishikawa (Fish diagram created by Kaoru Ishikawa)